- Dhanora shala vishesh (7)
- Kavita (5)
- school photo (8)
- TAG (2)
- Zpps balsa (8)
- कविता (11)
- काही लेख (7)
- काही लेख (3)
- गुगल फॉर्म चाचणी (2)
- दिव्यांग दिन (1)
- पाठ्यपुस्तके 1 to 8 (1)
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- प्रश्नपत्रिका (1)
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- शालेय पोषण आहार (2)
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- शिक्षण परिषद (6)
- साप्ताहिक शिक्षक ध्येय (3)
- सृजनशील शिक्षण ऑनलाईन परिषद १०-१२ जून २०२० (3)
TAG मिटींग अभिप्राय
*Tag meetings* in Cps Ganpur tq : Purna dist : Parbhani
🏵 We attended the meetings with full of joy and enjoyed it .
🏵meetings are very useful for teachers as well as students
🏵 The way we tag members express our thoughts ,it is very interesting and full of humour.🏵I am very glad to say that most of the tag members are taking part in communication as compare to last year's tag meetings.
🏵co-ordinator Sarika Giri mam has Shown the path and we all members have followed it,added our experience too. 🏵and today the the tag members who were hesitating at first now they are expressing their thoughts in English.
🏵We discuss in meetings and decide some goals as our target of that month.
🏵All tag members work on it and share their views
🏵one good thing is that we choose one activity song or poem and present it in the meetings.all members participate in it.
🏵we always have eager about next meeting
🏵so these meetings are playing a master roll for our English improvement.
🏵Thank u so much .Myself Sarika kalwit
Tag member Ganpur tq Purna dist parbhani